Fire Extinguishers
We sell, inspect and service all kinds for fire extinguishers. Our expertise ranges from ABC and Carbon Dioxide to specialty and clean agent extinguishers. When it comes to fire extinguishers, we have you covered.
Let us help you get your extinguishers in top shape!
our Fire Extinguisher services
Fire Extinguishers are required for most buildings, vehicles, RVs, boats, and aircraft. Getting the correct extinguisher for the task is essential for meeting Code requirements and in case of an emergency. As part of our service offerings, we support our customers with all fire extinguisher needs. We carry a large inventory of new units, including ABC, Foam, K-Class, CO2, Water, and Clean Agent units. In addition, we also provide the annual inspections required to keep them in top shape. Every few years, the assembly will require a complete teardown and inspection or a hydro-static test to ensure the unit can still hold the prescribed pressure. We can provide all of these services in our Intertek licensed facilities. Our team can also assist with these requirements, ensuring your fire extinguisher needs are taken care of.

Class ABC
These are probably the most common fire extinguisher out there. They use the ABC powder as their extinguishing medium and, as the name suggests, are helpful for A, B, and C hazards – more on that here. ABC Extinguishers require a 6-year service and a 12-year hydrostatic test. The size of ABC fire extinguishers starts at 2.5lb, 5lb, and 10lb and ranges to 30lb. There are wheeled fire extinguishers as well, though these are relatively rare.
Class K Fire Extinguishers
Class K fire extinguishers are generally found in commercial kitchens. These fire extinguishers are for K hazards, which is a grease fire. The special agent will foam on contact with grease. This allows the Class K extinguishers to starve the fire of oxygen. It is important to note that if the kitchen is outfitted with a suppression system, the suppression system be used as the first line of defense and the Class K extinguisher only to finish the job of the suppression system. The reasoning is that the suppression system shuts off the fuel to the appliances. With the gas or electricity shut off, it hopefully starves the fire of its primary fuel source. A hydrostatic test is required every five years because of the agent’s corrosive qualities on a Class K extinguisher. They are always found in 6 Liter sizes.

Class BC
BC fire Extinguishers are rated for B and C hazards and omit the A class, so it is meant solely for flammable liquids and electrical fires. Other than the rating, the maintenance for these extinguishers is identical to the ABC extinguishers, with 6-year and 12-year maintenance required. BC fire extinguishers come in various sizes, with the most common ones starting at 2.5lb, 5lb, and 10lb and ranging to 30lb fire extinguishers.
Water fire extinguishers are generally what everyone envisions when they think of a fire extinguisher. While they are rare, it is where the fire extinguisher once started. Traditional water extinguishers can only be used for Class A fires, so contrary to belief, they are limited in their applications. That is why the universal ABC fire extinguisher has surpassed it. They come in various sizes and are generally measured in gallons, with the most common size at 2.5 gallons. The interval for hydro-static testing on water extinguishers is every five years. A newer development, the Water Mist fire extinguisher, can be used in almost any fire class. The spray pattern is different, and it maximizes effectiveness.

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
As the name suggests, CO2 fire extinguishers are filled with pressurized Carbon Dioxide. CO2 fire extinguishers are convenient for areas with sensitive equipment. The gas does not leave any residue or affect any of the equipment. They are often found in mechanical rooms, laboratories, etc. The extinguishing process works by starving the fire of its oxygen. It should only be used on Class B and C fires, as it may be ineffective for Class A fires. Due to the high pressure that the Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher holds, it requires a five-year hydro-test. As with most fire extinguishers, they come in various sizes ranging from 2.5lbs to 100lbs and are usually recognized by the large horn and lack of pressure gauge.
Clean Agent
Clean Agent fire extinguishers don’t leave any residue as they evaporate. Safe for humans and the environment while protecting sensitive equipment makes clean agents an excellent choice. These fire extinguishers can be found in server rooms, control rooms, museums, and other special hazard environments. Some engineered fire suppression systems for special hazard areas also contain clean agents. They often look like an ordinary fire extinguisher with a different label and have the same service intervals as an ABC extinguisher, requiring a 6-year internal inspection and a 12-year hydro test.

How we can help

All Extinguishers need to be torn down and inspected regularly. With our Intertek-certified facilities, you can rest assured that your fire extinguishers are in good hands for any hydro-testing or inspections.
We carry a large stock of fire extinguishers in our warehouses. Our fire extinguishers are certified before they are sold, ensuring they are ready to go into service immediately.
Layout and installation
Are you unsure how many fire extinguishers or what type of extinguisher you may need? We can assist with the design of your fire extinguisher layout and install them for you when you are ready.