Kitchen Fire Suppression systems are the heart of fire protection for commercial kitchens. Due to the presence of grease, an inspection of the fire suppression system has to be performed every six months. In this article we outline what to expect during a Kitchen Fire Suppression inspection and how to prepare for it. A kitchen that is ready to be inspected allows us to complete the inspection more efficiently and keeps your staff, as well as our technicians safe.
Preparing for a Kitchen Fire Suppression Inspection
Our scheduling team at Nexus Fire & Safety will reach out to you to schedule your inspection. Ideally pick a time before any cooking activities are started and when a minimal number of kitchen staff is present. This ensures that our technicians have enough space to complete the inspection and we are not in anyone’s way when they’re trying to cook.
If the building your kitchen is in has a fire alarm system, there is a good chance the Kitchen Fire Suppression system is connected to the fire alarm system. Please ensure that you have contacted the necessary parties, such as a building manager, to allow for access to the fire alarm. Additionally, make sure you have the monitoring information for the fire alarm ready, so our technician can put the system on test.
The areas that our technicians would need access to are:
- Kitchen Hood
- Gas Valve (Generally located close to the kitchen hood)
- Fire Alarm System
- Electrical Panel
Please ensure that these areas are readily accessible, as they may need to be accessed multiple times.
Most time for the inspection is spent under the hood. Any appliances should NOT be turned on before inspection. This keeps our technicians safe from potential burn hazards.
What to Expect During a Kitchen Fire Suppression Inspection
Kitchen Fire Suppression inspections follow a rigorous process to meet UL(C) and manufacturer standards. The steps are very similar between system manufacturers. Upon arrival our technicians will follow the following steps every time:
- Contact Monitoring and Bypass Fire Alarm (if applicable)
- Deactivate Suppression System
- Locate Gas Valve and Link Lines
- Test System Actuation
- Inspect System Setup and Replace Fusible Links
- Test Pull Station Actuation
- Reset System
- Re-Arm System
- Reset Fire Alarm System (if applicable)
During this process, some pressurized test cylinders may be discharged. Additionally beeping and loud mechanical noises may be heard. These are perfectly normal and are part of every inspection. Prepare your staff that these inspections are happening and of the possible sounds. This ensures that no one takes the initiative to call the fire department, as it is only a test.
Upon completion of the tests, our team will walk you through any of our findings. A report will also be provided and the system will be tagged with an inspection tag, outlining the services that were performed.
Why do I need an inspection?
Kitchen Fire Suppression Inspections are a crucial part to ensuring the fire safety of your kitchen and the building around it. Kitchens have many fire hazards present with open flames, grease, flammable liquids and solids. Ensuring the system that is going to protect your business and staff in the worst case scenario is important.

Kitchen Fire Suppression systems are mechanical systems and thus are not perfect. With an inspection every six months, the risks of a system failure a minimized. Failures can stem from a greased up component, a damaged cylinder or something stored in the wrong place, preventing access. Most Kitchen Fire Suppression systems work with fusible links. These are metal components designed to melt when a specific temperature is reached. These links require replacement, as they get coated with grease and debris, which may affect their temperature ratings.
With an inspection, all of these factors are inspected and should anything be amiss, it will be documented and addressed. An inspection will also minimize the risk of an accidental discharge of the system, which may save you a significant amount in the future.
Nexus Fire & Safety is fully certified to install, service and repair Kitchen Fire Suppression systems. Our team is ready to answer any questions that you may have and will ensure you have the best experience possible with every inspection. Call us today if you have a Kitchen Fire Suppression system in need of servicing or any questions related to fire safety.